Good Athlete Better Person

Promitheas Patras has chosen to invest in the development of the infrastructure departments of its Association, aiming not only to improve the athletic standards of its athletes, but much more, to provide them with the right framework and fundamental support to form strong personalities that contribute in a positive way back to their communities. This philosophy reflects the value code of the Organization and is summarized in the motto: “Good athlete, better person”.
Promitheas BC is not just a basketball team, but a “living” organization that proactively participates in the local community. We are currently developing our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) structure, which is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and aims to educate athletes through creative collaborations with other Institutions and organizations. The actions of our CSR program are focused on the fields of education, physical and mental health, environmental issues, culture, social inclusion, social solidarity and the cultivation of social empathy.
In this direction, as early as January 2022, the pilot implementation of this program began, with Promitheas concluding agreements of collaboration with the Organization “The Smile of the Child” that cares for children in need across Greece and the Association “ALKYONI” a local organization caring for people with disabilities.
Specifically, the purpose of the collaboration with the Organization “The Smile of the Child” is to support awareness promotions and inform the sporting community/supporters, as well as to promote the culture of volunteerism and solidarity for children in need. In the framework of mutual support, the specialized team of Psychologists of the Organization “The Smile of the Child” will carry out organized interactive, experiential activities for all athletes of the academies of Promitheas BC, regardless of age or gender, as well as their coaches, parents and guardians, in order to inform them of their rights as children as well as how to protect themselves from risks that a child may face.
Our second partnership with “ALKYONI” is part of the development of “Basketball without exclusion”, which promotes access to sports for all social groups that might not have had access to sports facilities in the past. Beneficiaries of the Association “ALKYONI” have been attending, at regular intervals at our training facilities at Promitheas Park in Patras, special sports training designed by the coaching staff of ASP Prometheus. In the near future we plan to have further specialized activities for their beneficiaries that will assist further in their inclusion in society and easy access to sporting events. Finally with the contribution of the scientific staff of the “ALKYONI” association, workshops and presentations will be organized with the aim of raising the awareness and educate the families and athletes of our basketball academies to issues related to equality, acceptance, diversity and the need for social inclusion of people with disabilities.
At this stage, discussions are being held with stakeholders for the full development of the program, in all areas of interest. It is estimated that the program will be fully launched by the summer of 2022 and coincide with the start of the new sports year allowing it to be fully implemented as of September of 2022.
We strongly believe in our core values and our CSR structures as stated above and proven by our partnerships. As such “Good athlete, better person” is more than just a motto it can be implemented in practice.
Do not hesitate to send us ideas or suggestions for further developments of our CSR program or collaborations with agencies and other organizations that might benefit from it.
If you want to support this program, you can buy from Promitheas’ boutique our special key chain with the «Good athlete, better person» moto.